The South Asian American segment comprises people with roots in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, and the Maldives. According to recent estimates, South Asian Americans account for 5.4 million people in the overall US population. This number has seen steady growth over the years as the community became well-settled.
Of this segment, Indian Americans take up the biggest share at nearly 4.2 million. While South Asian Americans may share some common factors, they’re far from being a homogenous segment.
Additionally, this market segment is not only growing at a high rate, it’s also more affluent, young, and more aware than the average American consumer. As a marketer, here are some advertising techniques that can be used to strike a chord with South Asian Americans.
South Asians are more likely to buy brands they see themselves in. If they see a familiar face representing a brand, they’ll automatically develop a connection with it. When advertising for this segment, inclusivity can go a long way in giving your brand more credibility.
The different subcultures present with this segment may have similar overarching characteristics but all of them have distinct nuances. If you want to target specific sub-cultures, make sure to understand how they’re different from this broad category and ensure those differences are celebrated.
Authenticity can go a long way in helping you establish credibility with this audience. You can do this by hiring people who belong to this segment and understand its characteristics well. Steer clear of fake actors, phony accents, and anything that makes your advertisement appear poorly made.
South Asian cultures respond well to storytelling. When it comes to advertising for them, you should focus on telling stories that they can follow and make sense of. These stories should be relatable, wholesome, and culturally significant to truly resonate with the audience.
Your advertising efforts are sure to bear fruit if you can incorporate the relevant pop-culture references with subtlety. These references can be specific to a subculture but need to be well-established within the segment.
Are you looking for a reliable multicultural marketing agency? Ethnic Response has got you covered! We’re one of the best multicultural advertising agencies in the US that specifically targets multicultural segments such as South Asians.
We offer extensive market research, DRTV advertising, and multicultural media buying solutions with high-quality partnering channels. With our services, you’ll definitely see tangible results and high ROI.
Get in touch with us now to take your business to new heights!