Debunking the Myths of Direct Response Marketing

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Debunking the Myths of Direct Response Marketing

South Indian


Are you interested in DRTV marketing or consider it as an ineffective strategy that your consumers would probably find annoying? If it is the latter, buckle up. It is time to debunk the myths that may have led you to the conclusion.

Myth #1: No One Watches TV Anymore—Or Maybe Just Grandparents Do

How wrong.

According to Statistic Brain, 99% of the households in the U.S. own a TV, and spend more than five hours every day watching it.
Many skeptics assume that with the influx of technology, television would become an appliance of the bygone era. Too bad they can now be proved wrong. It is hard to ignore the five solid hours of daily dose of television to reach your target market!
According to the Nielsen comparable metrics report, the audience for television in all age groups was the highest. So, no. It’s not just your grandma who hogs the telly; you’re a part, too.

Myth #2: Size Doesn’t Matter

Well, as many experts would corroborate,it does.
The duration of your ad is important. But it depends on the purpose that you need to achieve. Commercials are usually short, in the range of 15-30 seconds, that entice the viewer to take an action, while the infomercials are longer commercials (almost half an hour)that present every aspect of the product or service at hand and describe how it can be useful to the viewer, while displaying the call to action.
It takes entirely different strategies for commercials and infomercials, and only a reliable DRTV company can design, shoot and deliver one that meets the specific goals.

Myth #3: I Can Run a DRTV on My Own

If you have tons of money and/ or prior experience in the industry, sure, maybe. But if you belong to the category of businessmen who are focused on their core business instead of wasting time learning tasks that can be outsourced, then yes, you need a helping hand by your side.
A DRTV campaign includes may things to take into consideration. What is your target market? What is the cost per lead? Which leads are converting and which are not responding? Which follow-up would be best for a customer reaching out for the first time?

These are only a few of the many questions that direct response marketing experts answer every single day, for every unique project. And it is these answers that help grow your campaign and generate the results that you need. Direct response TV marketing is an amazing resource to tap into, and make the most of your target markets. But it is vital to do it right, ensuring that all determining factors are analyzed and the results are monitored, and the campaign optimized to deliver the best results. And only an expert in the field with an experience in handling this data can do that effectively.

All in all, learning more about DRTV will help you become more aware of the potential that you can tap into, and boost your company’s growth.If you have any other misconceptions that you need to clear up, reach out to our experts at Ethnic Response. We’ll be happy to answer your questions.